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Custom Finials: Use Curtain Tie Backs

07/28/14, by Megan Steenson

We’re back with the last installment of our series on creating custom curtain rod finials. We’ve already shown you how we used drawer pulls and a glass door knob as fun and stylish finial options. Now, let’s take a look at one last piece of hardware we picked up.

This ornate cast-iron curtain tie back (before photo below) was a nice contrast to the bright, white curtain rod we had already selected. But it wasn’t as easy as simply screwing the tie back to the end of the rod. Here’s how we turned this hobby-store find into a beautiful decorative finial.

Curtain Tie Back Finials How-To1

The first step was to unscrew the tie back's bolt from the decorative base (photo 1). To preserve the existing bolt, we used a Dremel tool to cut the bolt in half (photo 2). We chose this route because the bolt was small enough to cut through, and using it would ensure the threads on the bolt matched the threads in the decorative base.

Curtain Tie Back Finials How-To2

With the bolt base removed, we could screw the bolt back into the decorative end (photo 3). Then it was only a matter of screwing the modified tie back into the curtain rod (photo 4).

The contrast between the cast-iron tie back and the crisp white curtain rod really caught our eye. How about you? Take our survey at right and tell us which look you'd pick!

Finial Options

Are you a fan of color and ceramics (photo a)? Or maybe elegant glass and brass is more your style (photo b). Perhaps you’d prefer the black and white contrast of a cast-iron finial (photo c). Whatever you choose, customizing your curtain rods with store-bought hardware is a great way to add an unexpected surprise to your home’s decor.

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Which finial style do you like the best?

Red Ceramic Drawer Pull2 votes
Glass Door Knob10 votes
Black Curtain Tie Back7 votes

Total votes: 19